The Hovercrafters Resource

Your Hovercraft Resource since 1996

Hobbyist Hovercraft Builders

On the following pages you can watch the progress of hovercraft under construction. 

Gears, gears, gears.

Jerry Coffman's PYTHON

Stephen Mayor's UH15TA.

Winner of: 1st Place "Construction Quality"
1st Place "Technical Innovation"
HCA Hoverally '98hc01.jpg (11184 bytes)

Kevin Duggan's UH13P

at lake 2 small.jpg (12012 bytes)


Darren Baker's UH12T4

t4leigh1.jpg (11951 bytes)


Alex Olshove's UH-12R.

fullside.jpg (16602 bytes)

Alex Olshoves Hovercraft FAQ is an Excellent look into the technology of the Hovercraft.


Bill Jordan's "Dream Hover"

Jerry Coffman's UH19P

hull5.jpg (9935 bytes)



Linda Weber's Pink Lady Express

SandSmoothPL17.jpg (10460 bytes)


Juergen Schoepf's Conqueror


Ian Cummings' Prospector.

strnhlm.jpg (9958 bytes)


Wason Wasuwong's Prospector

Japanese Project.

J07.jpg (22910 bytes)


Mike's UH19P Projecthovpage3.jpg (7230 bytes)  Greg Brungart's UH-15P.

hvrb.jpg (12454 bytes)


David Elzbeck's UH12T3.

david13.jpg (10781 bytes)


Kirk's Yellowjacket restoration.

1strunup.jpg (19335 bytes)